“ In order to reduce carbon footprint in the ecology, the reliable start is to look beneath
your feet”. As this weighted citation says, an ecofriendly carpet neither deminish the
elegance of the room nor dispose hazardous waste to the environment.
Eco-friendly carpets are fabricated using naturally available renewable materials. They
are biodegradable and undergo minimal or no chemical processing while manufacturing.
The process of making these eco-friendly carpets produce less wastage and has decreased
tendency of polluting the environment.

Bamboo silk, wool, cotton, and jute are some of the carbon-free organic materials used to
concoct an eco-friendly floor rug. These naturally available materials break down easily
to decompose and retransmit key plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and
potassium back to the soil. Furthermore, these materials innately possess stain and slip
resistance properties. This eliminates the dependency on synthetic petroleum chemicals.
The timeless traditional methods of weaving the carpets using these natural fibers
substantially minimize the utilization of adhesives which has dicey gases like benzene
and toluene.
One less synthetic/polymer carpet to the landfill has a remarkable impact on the fertility
of the soil and on the purity of air. Eco-friendly carpets are a boon to the environment as
well as to the consumer. They release no toxicants to the ecosystem, efficiently make use
of natural resources, and do not pollute the environment with excessive manufacturing
waste. On top of it, the carpets made from organic fibers have the additional benefit of
prolonged durability. As a consumer, it is a pride to make a conscious decision of
choosing an eco-friendly carpet to support sustainability and being responsible.
Arattica is a luxurious carpet brand believing ‘sustainability is not a choice but a need’.
We are objected to manufacture soothing carpets with reduced environmental impact. We
fabricate hand-knotted and hand-tufted floor rugs ensuring the manufacturing process is
not harming the environment. The eco-friendly carpet collection of Arratica has cozy,
soft, and elegant rugs which will complete any interior while leaving less carbon footprint
on this planet.